Unlimited Fuel Can

Description of the Issue:

Use the fuel can without emptying it

Expected Results:

Can should be empty after the first refill

Actual Results:

Can is still full

Steps to Reproduce:

Put the can and another weapon/tool in the hotbar
Use the hotbar to equip the weapon/tool
Use the hotbar to switch to the can
Fuel the vehicle
Switch back to the weapon/tool
Switch back to the can
Fuel the vehicle
Switch back to the weapon/tool
Check your inventory, the can is still full

I specifically used the flashlight for testing

I think Fuel Cans are specifically do not have their ammo count updated currently.

This is by design to fix a previous issue where, when using a fire extinguisher/fuel you would send an update every frame to the server (net event spam) and you would get kicked from the server.

This can be looked into getting fixed at a later date.