Phone Megathread

This is a bug report mega thread for all phone-related bugs after 3/26/22.

Recent bug where text messages are being sent, notification pops up for the text message, but the message actually does not get sent to the other recipient.

Is this just randomly?

I haven’t been able to get this to happen with me another client sending messages in between, all the messages go through

matchmaker - i give me the notification with name that i got a match but it wont show in matching list

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My character pulls my phone and holds it but it won’t show up on my screen. I’ve tried relogging, /phone:restart, swap characters, uninstall fiveM entirely, nothing has worked so far as fixing it.

yeah same my phone has not been working for weeks… ive tried to get help from locals but nothing has worked… ive done everything you listed as well and it just wont pull out… it acts like i have a phone and when i press U it shows my cursor but no phone screen… just sucks because the phone is used sooo much. my gf phone works completely fine

Description of the Issue:
Expected Results:
Actual Results:
Steps to Reproduce: won’t come up

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My character pulls my phone and holds it but it won’t show up on my screen. I’ve tried relogging, /phone:restart, uninstall fiveM entirely, so many people tried to help but nothing has worked so far as fixing it.

pulls phone and holds it but it won’t show up on my screen. I’ve tried relogging, uninstall fiveM /phone:restart, swap characters, uninstall fiveM, nothing has worked.

When i flex my U muscle in the server my screen stays blank and a cursor pops up not being able to see my phone screen. It has been like this for a week. I have tried all of the common fixes like flying in and back in, buying a new phone. Clearing cache, changing the muscle button all with no fix. It did work and i was able to see my phone screen at one point and now its doing as mentioned above. Any help is appreciated