Perm ban appeal

1.I got banned for metagaming mind you i dont know what that mean until i looked it up this is my first rp still getting new to this but i understand i what i have done was wrong if im not able to get back in it is fine i have learned my lesson ban id: B6UL-KLG8

I got perma banned for supposedly modding but in fact I was not and I just have really good aim I love this server it is one of the better servers I have played and I would like to get back on it. I can prove that I am not modding PC check me
Ban Date: Jul 12, 2024, 1:32:48 PM
Banned by: Kregg
Ban Reason: Modder

i got banned as new player by emily for simply complaining in ooc as instructed by another player after paying for 50$ subscription and getting stuck in jail 1 hour do to server bug. i asked admin for help and they did not help so i complained and they perma banned me. please help

i was only put in 5 months and could not get out do to server bug