Change to the Drug Selling Systems-
-Implement a Skill Check System (similar to the weed leaves/soft cuffs/carry)
-Level up through skill checks earn reputation
-Selling to locals starts a skill check if you pass the check you sell the drugs and gain experience (Reputation)
-Reputation gives you a chance to receive more money through drug sells.
**How it expands RP:
-Create a reason for citizens/crims to constantly sell drugs to locals.
-Allow citizens/crims look to people who are experienced at selling to earn more money.
-Give crims a system to challenge the sell of drugs to locals
-Reputation earned can be something to challenge people and create drug selling rings.
-Selling drugs constantly creates RP if it is in another gangs territory.
-Allow the people to actually sell the drug rather than walking up to the local press (E) and wait to see if it is accepted or denied.